Do You Care About Palm Oil Deforestation?

Do You Care About Palm Oil Deforestation?

We have many things to care about these days: our jobs, supporting our families, health, medical insurance, cars. However, there are other things we need to be a part of to achieve a more sustainable world. Palm oil deforestation is a situation that has concerned many people in recent years. In Europe, the European Palm Oil Alliance was created to bring together all the producers and refiners in Europe. In order to promote the production of palm oil in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way, the participation of all is necessary to reach a 100% eco-friendly product. We know that it is possible to do so with the joint effort of all. The moment to take part in this initiative is now!

It is not a question of rejecting palm oil

At first sight it seems that the best option is to avoid palm oil consumption at all costs, but this “solution” would only aggravate the problem. The European Palm Oil Alliance recognizes the role that palm oil plays in the development of many economies but is also aware that it is necessary to implement processes that promote environmental protection. Working hand in hand with smallholders or local farmers it is possible to improve harvesting and refining by providing training to increase their yield and productivity. The goal is to achieve a higher yield per planted hectare to reduce the need to cut down our precious forests. This will not only empower producers and refiners but also boost their financial situation by allowing them to invest in better tools.

An alliance for a sustainable future

The European Palm Oil Alliance works to promote actions that protect our tropical forests from indiscriminate deforestation for the production of palm oil. We work hard to include the protection of forests in Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) standards and in corporate commitments. A study conducted in 2015 found that it is possible to produce palm oil sustainably simply by limiting the expansion of new palm oil plantations into forest-free areas. In the past, farms that were intended for other, less essential crops such as rubber have been used for palm oil production, avoiding the need for deforestation. This would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 60%. It is important to remember that forests represent the lungs of our planet and help reduce greenhouse gases by absorbing carbon from the atmosphere.